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The revolution continues: a New Product Sheet, more Information, a more Friendly use

  Published on 24 Feb 2021 17:32
After the introduction of free shipping for Italy, the revolution continues on our site with the new and innovative Product Sheets, enriched with new descriptions, more Information and Details, Advice, new Tabs for FAQs, Request for Quotes and on certification for Food Use of Crockery (plates, jugs, bowls etc.).
A job that has involved us for 2 months between study, design, text writing of the new cards, fine-tuning of the new features. All this returns a simpler browsing experience, absolutely richer and with all the information at a click rate and concentrated in one place (such as FAQs or MOCA Certificates) for a more informed purchase.
This enormous work has also allowed us to improve the whole purchasing process, with new and simple variants, optimized cards, new features, improved photo gallery, new graphics, dots representing the available colors.
Another important job was optimization: fewer product sheets, but concentrated, so that you can find all the purchasing options, for example for dishes, in a single tab.
We have also improved the wish list and the shopping cart, but above all we have made the site more Friendly, easier and faster to navigate. Now you can consult the product sheet, from there read and have all the information you need, choose, put the quantities, register and buy in just 4-6 clicks ... a real world record !!

Soon, other new and important news will arrive, stay tune !!