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The colors of Vietri Ceramic - among alchemy, tradition and innovation

  Published on 13 Dic 2016 15:39
Have you ever seen the eyes of a child who observe a magician to change the color of the water with some magical drop?? Have you thought about what wonder that pervades trying to figure out how he did ?? 
Well, although I am not a child anymore Icontinuous amazement to live it every day when I see our master potters coloring  the pieces with a color equivalent to the "lilac" then after cooking it becomes cobalt blue ... but the worst is that, as children try to discover the tricks of the magician, so too I try to find out the tricks of my master potters able to paint with a color, but bring out another !!
Yes, this is one of the magic of Ancient Art of Vietri ceramics, so magic that sees painting with soft colors, pastel, almost faded, which, as if by magic, after baking become bright, alive !!
Those colors, that spell, are the secrets that potters families have been passed down for centuries from generation  to generation, from father to son. A real asset to get dark on a secret notebook and jealously preserve even in the safe.
A secret to true alchemist, which sees them mixing powders with ancient wisdom so as to get the right tones, true signature of that family of potters over the other families of the factory next door.
So it is for centuries, and so it is also for our master potters, who like their great-grandfather Natale D'Arienzo in 1830 expertly mixing powders of oxides chromophores in shales to obtain cobalt blue, copper green, ocher yellow, red and other colors, as now, make our Vietri ceramics unique pieces of art with colors that are a real explosion of joy.