Dernières News

Amalfi Coast and Vietri sul Mare human patrimony of UNESCO

  Publié 21 Mar 2016 09:11
Amalfi Coast and then, Vietri sul Mare, from 1997 are inside "Cultural Landscape" that UNESCO consider "Human patrimony" because it represent an extraordinary example of mediterranean landscape with exceptional cultural and natural values, deriving from its hard topography and from its historic course of adaptation operated by the communit, a bramant example of intelligent use of resource". 
The Universal Value of Amalfi Coast come from how the men adapted it. 
The landscape is the result of continous transformation direct to obratin an advantage (the paesants in the IX century made the terraces to obtain cultivable land) but always compatible and characterized from an intelligent use of local resources. 
The multiplicity of actors who today operate the transformations (government agencies employers, citizens) and the speed with which these proposals are made rarely compatible often unintelligent the changes that you would like to do. With the consequent need to protect the area with the closest bonds. 
In this fact, Vietri has always been known for its ceramic, whose tradiction is rooted in the Middle Ages. 
The ability to work the clay to create dinnerware met the artistic inspiration not only of local workers but also of foreign painters who attracted by the beauty of Amalfi Coast, reamining here and worked in synergy with local artist, transforming simple household products in masterpiece of art. 
Beautiful majolica, which there ise the coast church that don't have a floor, and the characteristic set of dishes with the natural colors and the decoration of typical subjects of the coast.